VISA debit card
Payment transactions executed by VISA debit card reduce available cash funds on the current account of the account holder.
By VISA card you can pay one-time, in instalments and with deferred payment of the first instalment up to 90 days
Instalment payment service with VISA personal debit card offers:
- Division in instalments of all transactions at points of sale made in country and abroad without fees, interest and additional costs
- division in instalments of all transactions at webshop online payments without fees, interest and additional costs
- to withdraw cash at KentBank ATMs with repayment on payments at a one-time fee
- all instalments automatically monthly charge the current account
- Charging each individual payment increases the available limit for payments for new purchases or cash withdrawals at KentBank ATMs
You can arrange a payment limit in instalments at all KentBank branches.
Instalments and deferral of payments options:
1. KentBank ATM network
- Withdraw cash at KentBank ATMs with repayment to 3,6.9 or 12 instalments for a one-time fee depending on the payment period chosen.
Example of instalment payment calculations for cash withdrawal at KentBank ATMs:
The total available limit in instalments on the VISA debit KentCard is 63,61 EUR
- 01.08.2021 cash withdrawal has been made at KentBank ATM in the amount of 318,53 EUR/ and the chosen number of instalments is 6.
- 01.08.2021 available limit in instalments 345,08 EUR*
- 01.08.2021. one-time debit of current account for cash withdrawal fee in instalments at KentBank ATM according to selected repayment period
- 01.09.2021 collection of 1st instalment 53,09 EUR
- 01.09.2021 available limit in instalments 398,17 EUR*
- 01.10.2021 collection of 2nd instalment 453,09 EUR
- 01.10.2021 available limit in instalments 451,26 EUR*
- 01.11.2021 collection of 3rd instalment 53,09 EUR
- 01.11.2021 available limit in instalments 504,35 EUR*
- 01.12.2021 collection of 4th instalment 53,09 EUR
- 01.12.2021 available limit in instalments 557,44 EUR*
- 01.01.2022 collection of 5th instalment 53,09 EUR
- 01.01.2022 available limit in instalments 610,52 EUR*
- 01.02.2022 collection of 6th instalment 53,09 EUR
- 01.02.2022 available limit in instalments 663,61 EUR*
*in condition no more instalment transactions have been carried out in the meantime
2. at MBPLUS-branded points of sale

- Payment deferral up to 90 days, with the transaction made charged in full
- Deferral of payment for up to 30 days, with the transaction divided from 2 to 11 instalments
- Payment in instalments from 2 to 12 instalments without delay payment
- The minimum transaction amount that can be divided into instalments is 26,54 EUR
- It is necessary to have available the amount of the approved limit on instalments in the amount of the total transactiona amount
Example of instalment payment calculations at MBPLUS-branded points of sale:
The total available limit in instalments on the VISA debit KentCard is 663,61 EUR
- 01.08.2021 a purchase of 1,200 HRK/159,27 EUR was made at the MBNet point with a delay of 30 days and the chosen number of instalments is 6
- 01.08.2021 available limit in instalments 504,35 EUR*
- 01.09.2021 collection of 1st instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.09.2021 available limit in instalments 530,89 EUR*
- 01.10.2021 collection of 2nd instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.10.2021 available limit in instalments 557,44 EUR*
- 01.11.2021 collection of 3rd instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.11.2021 available limit in instalments 583,98 EUR*
- 01.12.2021 collection of 4th instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.12.2021 available limit in instalments 610,52 EUR*
- 01.01.2022 collection of 5th instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.01.2022 available limit in instalments 637,07 EUR*
- 01.02.2022 collection of 6th instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.02.2022 available limit in instalments 663,61 EUR*
*in condition no more instalment transactions have been carried out in the meantime
3. in KentBank branches or via m-Kent and e-Kent service
- Division of all purchase transactions carried out online, abroad or in the country no later than 15 calendar days from the date of the transaction
- From 2 to 12 instalments
- Deferral of payment of the first instalment up to 15 days from the date of division into instalments
- No fees or interest
Example of instalment payment calculations via e-Kent service or by request in the KentBank branch
The total available limit in instalments on the VISA debit KentCard is 663,61 EUR
- 01.08.2021 a purchase of 159,27 EUR
- 01.08.2021 available limit in instalments 504,35 EUR*
- 15.08.2021 division into 6 instalments and postponement of collection for 15 days
- 01.09.2021 collection of 1st instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.09.2021 available limit in instalments 530,89 EUR*
- 01.10.2021 collection of 2nd Instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.10.2021 available limit in instalments 557,44 EUR*
- 01.11.2021 collection of 3rd Instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.11.2021 available limit in instalments 583,98 EUR*
- 01.12.2021 collection of 4th Instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.12.2021 available limit in instalments 610,52 EUR*
- 01.01.2022 collection of 5th Instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.01.2022 available limit in instalments 637,07 EUR*
- 01.02.2022 collection of 6th Instalment 26,54 EUR
- 01.02.2022 available limit in instalments 663,61 EUR*
*in condition no more instalment transactions have been carried out in the meantime
Example of instalment payment calculations via m-Kent service (the only difference is there is no delay of up to max 15 days)
The total available limit in instalments on the VISA debit KentCard is 663,61 EUR
- 01.08.2021 a purchase of 159,27 EUR
- 01.08.2021 available limit in instalments 504,35 EUR*
- 15.08.2021 division into 6 instalments
- 15.08.2021 collection of 1st instalment 26,54 EUR
- 15.08.2021 available limit in instalments 530,89 EUR*
- 15.09.2021 collection of 2nd instalment 26,54 EUR
- 15.09.2021 available limit in instalments 557,44 EUR*
- 15.10.2021 collection of 3rd instalment 26,54 EUR
- 15.10.2021 available limit in instalments 583,98 EUR*
- 15.11.2021 collection of 4th instalment 26,54 EUR
- 15.11.2021 available limit in instalments 610,52 EUR*
- 15.12.2021 collection of 5th instalment 26,54 EUR
- 15.12.2021 available limit in instalments 637,07 EUR*
- 15.01. 2022 collection of 6th instalment 26,54 EUR
- 15.01.2022 available limit in instalments 663,61 EUR*
*in condition no more instalment transactions have been carried out in the meantime
Additionally: In all DM stores, instalment payments without interest are enabled. You can settle all accounts over 39,82 EUR with a maximum of three instalments when using VISA and VISA KentCard cards. Read more at: Instalment payment | dm Croatia.
A representative example of the division of a purchase transaction into installments and the assumptions for the calculaton of EKS:
Currency limit
Limit amount
Purchase amount
Nominal interest rate
Repayment term in months
Installment rate
Effective interest rate
A representative example of the division of a purchase transaction into installments and the assumptions for the calculation of effective interest rate:
Valuta limita
Iznos podizanja gotovine
Nominalna kamatna stopa
Rok otplate u mjesecima
Naknada (5% od iznosa transakcije)
Efektivna kamatna stopa