By KentCard card you can pay one-time, in installments and with deferred payment of the first installment up to 90 days
From now on, you can pay in installments all of your transactions whenever you want.
- Free of charge, without interests, at no additional costs
- All installments are automatically charged to current account on a monthly basis
- The available limit for new purchases increases with the payment of each particular installment
Limit for payment in installments is agreed in the nearest branch of the Bank.
The possibility of dividing into installments and deferred payment:
1. at points of sale marked

- The delay of payment up to 90 days, provided that the executed transaction is charged in the full amount
- The delay of payment up to 30 days, provided that the executed transactions can be divided from 2 to 11 installments
- Payment in installments from 2 to 12 installments without delay in payment
2. in branches of KentBank
- Distribution of all transactions carried out on all POS terminals within the country and abroad, the internet and web shops within 15 calendar days at the latest from the date of the transaction
- From 2 to 12 installments
- Delay of the payment of the first installment up to 15 days
- No fees and interest
A representative example of the division of the purchase transaction into installments and assumptions for the calculation of EKS:
Limit amount
663,61 EUR
Purchase amount
398,17 EUR
Nominaln interest rate
Tenor in mounth
0,00 EUR
33,18 EUR
Effective interest rate
A representative example of the breakdown of a cash withdrawal transaction at an ATM and assumptions for the calculation of EKS:
Cash withdrawal amount
663,61 EUR
Nominal interest rate
Tenor in mounth
Fee (5% from the transaction amount)
33,18 EUR
55,30 EUR
Effective interest rate